Activity 1 – Literature review and use of SELFIE
The project reviewed literature in the field of critical digital literacies and explored other relevant frameworks that are available and looked at whether and how these are relevant to the project objectives. Furthermore, the EU SELFIE self-reflection tool was adopted as a means of evaluating how partner schools use digital technologies for teaching and learning and how digital technology use is perceived by teachers, students and school leaders.
Activity 2 – Focus group interviews
Drawing on the findings of the literature review and the SELFIE reports focus group interviews were conducted in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the particular needs of the target group in relation to the topic of critical digital literacies.
Activity 3 – Framework development
The third activity for this intellectual output involved developing and finalising the critical digital literacies framework for teachers. Drawing on the extensive literature review, the SELFIE reports and the interview findings the project team developed a critical digital literacy framework describing what it means for primary and secondary school educators to be digitally competent.
Activity 4 – Report and dissemination
Based on the development and summary of the findings from the literature review and the empirical fieldwork a report was generated that also include the critical digital literacies framework.