Report 1: Gouseti, A., Bruni, I., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Mundy, D., Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M., Roffi, A., Romero, M. and Romeu, T. (2021) Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators – Accessed at:
This report presents the Critical Digital Literacies framework that has been created as part of the project’s Intellectual Output 1

Report 2: Gouseti, A., Bruni, I., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Mundy, D., Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M., Roffi, A., Romero, M. and Romeu, T. (2021) Schools’ perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries – Accessed at: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5070394
This is the second report of the DETECT project. It presents the empirical activities carried out as part of Intellectual Output 1 of the project and the relevant findings that emerged.
Conference presentations
2021 EARLI Conference (23-27 August – online), ‘Key elements of critical digital literacies from the perspective of school education’ (Lakkala, M., Ilomäki, L., Kallunki, V., Gouseti, A., Mundy, D., Raffaghelli, J., Español-Fernández, D., Romero-Carbonell, M., Romeu-Fontanillas, T., Ranieri, M., Bruni, I., and Roffi, A.). Video of the presentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5497938
2021 BERA Conference (13-16 September – online), ‘Looking beyond functional ICT skills: a new critical digital literacies framework for teachers’ (Gouseti, A., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M. and Raffaghelli, J.).
2021 ITK Conference (1-3 December) ‘Kriittisen digitaalisen osaamisen keskeiset elementit kouluopetuksen näkökulmasta’ [Key elements of critical digital literacy from the perspective of school education] (Ilomäki, L., Kallunki, V. and Lakkala, M.).
2022 INTED Conference (7-8 March – online), “SOLET”, a self-organised learning environment for teachers about critical digital literacies: proposal and validation (Raffaghelli, J., Español-Fernández, D., Romero-Carbonell, M., Romeu-Fontanillas, T., Lakkala, M., Roffi, A. and Gouseti, A.)
2022 ATEE Conference (25-27 May, Dublin) Exploring critical digital literacies within (and beyond) the context of teacher education: an interactive workshop (Gouseti, A., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M. and Español-Fernández, D.)
Peer-reviewed articles in academic journals
Roffi, A., Ranieri, M. and Bruni, I. (2020). Exploring school levels of digital readiness in pandemic time, Research on Education and Media, vol.12, no.2, pp.9-18. https://doi.org/10.2478/rem-2020-0014
Ilomäki, L. (2021). Digiosaamisesta kriittiseen digilukutaitoon [From digital competence to critical digital literacy]. Äidinkielenopettajien vuosikirja. [The yearbook of Finnish Language and Literacy Teachers’ Organisation]
Gouseti, A., Ilomaki, L., Lakkala, M., Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M. and Rofi, A. [Under review]. Exploring teachers’ perceptions of critical digital literacies and how these are manifested in their teaching practices.
Ilomaki, L., Lakkala, M., Kalunki, V., Romeu, T., Romero, M., Mundy, D. and Gouseti, A. [Under review]. Critical digital literacies at school level: a systematic review.
Raffaghelli, J., Romero, M. Romeu, T., Bruni, I., Lakkala, M. and Gouseti, A. [Under review]. Teachers’ perceptions of data literacy within their practices: Mind the gap!,
Book chapter
Gouseti, A., Ilomäki, L., and Lakkala, M. (forthcoming) ‘Re-thinking critical digital literacies in the context of compulsory education’ in Hopeton, D., Ragnedda, M., Robinson, L. and Maria Laura Ruiu, M.L. (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Everyday Digital Life. Palgrave.
Conference paper
Raffaghelli, J., Español-Fernández, D., Romero-Carbonell, M., Romeu-Fontanillas, T., Lakkala, M., Roffi, A. and Gouseti, A. (2022) “Solet”, A Self-Organised Learning Environment For Teachers About Critical Digital Literacies: Proposal And Validation. INTED2022 Proceedings, 3993–4003. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2022.1093