Polkuja medialukutaitoon – Opas vuosiluokille 7-9

Opas tarjoaa opettajille käytännönläheisiä esimerkkejä ja pedagogisia malleja medialukutaidon edistämiseen vuosiluokilla 7-9. Opas on saatavilla suomeksi ja ruotsiksi ja se on osa laajempaa suomalaista Uudet lukutaidot -kokonaisuutta (https://uudetlukutaidot.fi/).

[This is a guidebook that offers practical examples and pedagogical models to teachers for promoting medialiteracy in lower secondary school. The guidebook is available in Finnish and Swedish, and it belongs to a larger Finnish material package  about New literacies (https://uudetlukutaidot.fi/)]

Copyright at school – Test your knowledge!

A test for teachers to evaluate their knowledge of copyrights at school. This is a form-based test/inquiry with checkbox choices. There may be several right answers and the points are “hard to get”: all of the choices must be right to get any points (per question). The aim is to “wake up” the teachers and get them to study their own (and the students’) rights to copy and publish content and material at school. After answering, the respondent gets the results and additional information about each question. Similar tests can also be created for students.